Solaris Organic Jasmine Green Loose Leaf Tea


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Solaris Organic Jasmine Green Loose Leaf Tea Solaris Tea Organic Jasmine Green Tea is a premium herbal tea with interesting flavours. Created by Master tea Blender Jorg Muller, he uses carefully chosen Jasmine flowers to steam the high quality green tea, sourced from the Jianxe Province in China. Next, whole Jasmine flowers are added to the mix to further enhance the delicious flavours of this tea.  Jasmine adds a warming aroma with uplifting properties. Jasmine tea is believed to be particularly beneficial for women, often providing a balance and revitalising effect. This tea is full of flavour and is naturally...
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Solaris Organic Jasmine Green Loose Leaf Tea
Solaris Organic Jasmine Green Loose Leaf Tea
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